
Voice Admin Commands

What are voice admin commands?

The voice admin commands allow you to use the voice admin feature in VC Roles. You can use the voice admin commands to mute, unmute, deafen, and undeafen all users in a voice channel.

/vc mute

The /vc mute command allows you to mute all users in a voice channel.

Mute Usage

/vc mute [who]

Muting all users in a voice channel

Mute Options

  • who - The voice channel to mute all users in (default: everyone but me)

/vc unmute

The /vc unmute command allows you to unmute all users in a voice channel.

Unmute Usage

/vc unmute

Unmuting all users in a voice channel

/vc deafen

The /vc deafen command allows you to deafen all users in a voice channel.

Deafen Usage

/vc deafen [who]

Deafening all users in a voice channel

Deafen Options

  • who - The voice channel to deafen all users in (default: everyone but me)

/vc undeafen

The /vc undeafen command allows you to undeafen all users in a voice channel.

Undeafen Usage

/vc undeafen

Undeafening all users in a voice channel